Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

In the downtime whilst I have been settling into the new place I have been busy transferring old VHS tapes to DVD and compressing these for upload to youtube. There are probably about 40 new videos on youtube for you to see… this link will dial you directly into the SEE ALL feature of youtube […]

Show offline for a few weeks

Posted: August 17, 2011 by admin in Uncategorized

Due to crapola circumstances we have had to move house. This means no circlemakers TV for a few weeks. We will try and bring you an end of the season roundup show soon or maybe an outside broadcast special…. w2atch this space. Matt

The Sea Shepherd site has acknowledged the circlemakers auction donations on my “MYSEASHEPHERD” page. I was originally going for $200 and we got $1010 which is great. Visit my page here and donate as my friend and see the total go higher. Heres my page

Sea Shepherd Auction £600 raised

Posted: August 8, 2011 by admin in Uncategorized

We raised £600 for Sea Shepherd organisation by auctioning off most of the diagrams from Matthew Williams period of work. There were a few extra donations of designs from “Agent J” and these were well liked. Famous formations like “the basket” from Bishops Cannings 2000 were sold. Also sold for £90 was a signed board […]

Agent S bows out

Posted: July 6, 2011 by admin in Uncategorized

As Agent_S on Circle Makers TV I have firsthand experience of the ugliness that exists in the emotions of those who are unwilling to take a look at the truths presented to them, myself included. As I step down from my position of good intention, I bow and admit defeat as I become unattractive in […] A snippet of what is in the above link on colins site “Award winning film-maker Terje Toftenes who made the documentary “Crop Circles: Crossovers From Another Dimension” appeared unexpectedly via Skype on Circlemakers TV during the show this week (May 18th, 2011). Terje told the show host Matthew Williams that he became interested and […]

CLICK HERE FOR YOUTUBE PLAYLISTS UPDATE 26-5-2011 We are migrating the oldest of shows to Youtube as the only place to view them as we may get charged for holding so many shows on Livestream. I am unsure yet. Our shows are slowly and surely being uploaded uncut to youtube so you can watch them […]

DVDs of shows

Posted: March 30, 2011 by admin in Uncategorized

DVDs of the shows are available upon request – so if you havent worked out hiow to record off the channel you can order one. The quality is slightly higher than the on air versions due to the livestream bandwith being 500k and DVDs we have are about 2000k rate. Still not quite broadcast quality […]

New show start time 8PM

Posted: March 16, 2011 by admin in Uncategorized

Due to requests to start the show earlier we are now on at 8pm on Weds. This should mean we can finish earlier which works better with those who have things called jobs.

Show 4 a taste of the ‘reserve

Posted: February 21, 2011 by admin in Uncategorized

Show 5 was a very interesting look into what you get when you have a circlemaker that knows a lot more than he can say… A lot of reservation and holdback was easily detectable by myself (the host) but I am not sure how much the audience detected.  This is why I think this made […]