In the downtime whilst I have been settling into the new place I have been busy transferring old VHS tapes to DVD and compressing these for upload to youtube. There are probably about 40 new videos on youtube for you to see…

this link will dial you directly into the SEE ALL feature of youtube so you can scroll through all the newest clips.

pop along to the links page and select the Peter Sorensen diagrams… or click here..


Show offline for a few weeks

Posted: August 17, 2011 by admin in Uncategorized

Due to crapola circumstances we have had to move house. This means no circlemakers TV for a few weeks. We will try and bring you an end of the season roundup show soon or maybe an outside broadcast special…. w2atch this space.


The Sea Shepherd site has acknowledged the circlemakers auction donations on my “MYSEASHEPHERD” page.

I was originally going for $200 and we got $1010 which is great. Visit my page here and donate as my friend and see the total go higher.

Heres my page

Sea Shepherd Auction £600 raised

Posted: August 8, 2011 by admin in Uncategorized

We raised £600 for Sea Shepherd organisation by auctioning off most of the diagrams from Matthew Williams period of work. There were a few extra donations of designs from “Agent J” and these were well liked. Famous formations like “the basket” from Bishops Cannings 2000 were sold. Also sold for £90 was a signed board which has the signatures of Agent T, Agent J, Matthew Williams and Bob and Fanny…

We thanks all those who gave generously and a great time was had by all. The cash payments went in from my bank and two payments came in through Paypal.

My bank VISA card shows the payment to seashepherd as follows:

just to show I did pay this stuff in. I should have it showing up on my “My sea shepherd” page soon to show they received it and my estimated goal was $200… and we ended up raising about $1000!

The good news is that the money this was raised for was to free the Steve Irwin from the Shetland Islands. This was achieved last week. Well done everyone.

For the whales. WATCH WHALE WARS on Animal Planet for more info or visit the Sea Shepherd site.

06/08/2011 OVERSEAS TRANSACTION FEE £1.25 £265.84
06/08/2011 CARD PAYMENT TO SEA SHEPHERD,267.99 USD, RATE 0.61/£ ON 04-08-2011 (INTERNATIONAL USE FEE £168.95 £267.09
Dear Matthew Williams,This email confirms that you have donated $400.00 USD to Sea Shepherd Conservation Society ( using PayPal.
The exchange rate for this purchase is 1 British Pound = 1.58503US DollarsThis credit card transaction will appear on your bill as “PAYPAL *SEASHEPHERD”.

Donation Details

Confirmation number: removed
Donation amount: $400.00 USD
Total: $400.00 USD
Purpose: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Contributor: Matthew Williams
Message: Please can you flag this payment in Be a whale warrior – i have to pay in a few chunks as paypal wont let me do it in one go. username is TRUTHSEEKERS

Recipient information

Donations coordinator: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Contact email: 


Dear Matthew Williams,

This email confirms that you have donated $160.00 USD to Sea Shepherd Conservation Society ( using PayPal.
The exchange rate for this purchase is 1 British Pound = 1.60368US Dollars

Donation Details

Confirmation number: removed3634M
Donation amount: $160.00 USD
Total: $160.00 USD
Purpose: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Contributor: Matthew Williams
Message: please can you add this total into my MY SEASHEPHERD page totals. User truthseekers thanks.

Recipient information

Donations coordinator: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Contact email:

Postage Information

06/08/2011 OVERSEAS TRANSACTION FEE £1.25 £265.84
06/08/2011 CARD PAYMENT TO SEA SHEPHERD,267.99 USD, RATE 0.61/£ ON 04-08-2011 (INTERNATIONAL USE FEE £168.95 £267.09
06/08/2011 CARD PAYMENT TO CANNINGS HILL GARA,28.00 GBP ON 04-08-2011 £28.00 £436.04
06/08/2011 CARD PAYMENT TO CANNINGS HILL GARA,20.01 GBP ON 04-08-2011 £20.01 £464.04

Agent S bows out

Posted: July 6, 2011 by admin in Uncategorized

As Agent_S on Circle Makers TV I have firsthand experience of the ugliness that exists in the emotions of those who are unwilling to take a look at the truths presented to them, myself included. As I step down from my position of good intention, I bow and admit defeat as I become unattractive in my own activities.

One of my favourite quotes is:
“It’s the messenger’s job to deliver the message, not the recipients to get it”

My initial contribution to the community was to deliver my message in an open, truthful and approachable way. Sometimes it is difficult to remain on track when faced with opposition. So I must break the mould of the Crop Circle Angst and Animosity that I witness at present and instead be seen to acknowledge my own deficiencies and refrain from being lured into the trap of retaliation and assaulting the lives of other people, I will not be a part of this and value the respect I have for myself.

“There is no right or wrong, just the Consequences’ of YOUR actions”

And as I reflect on the past 2 weeks, I look at my own behaviour and realise that my own conduct is becoming unattractive because I am communicating with people that do not understand the message I wish to convey. I realise that if I continue with this message, I insult the people who think differently to me as I attempt to force my beliefs down their throats assuming I have any kind of control.

In my humble opinion, I believe these are ‘human’ traits and we are all susceptible to behaving unattractively or all the while we don’t STOP to take a moment and reflect on events with some clarity because none of us are perfect and none of us have nothing to learn from each other, regardless of our attraction or repulsion for each other.

As a truthseeker… a person should seek the truth for themselves to enhance their own journey. The truth cannot be owned, badged or controlled… regardless of how hard we all try.
The truth will always be an individual’s interpretation of the world to them which is why the world holds so many different religions, but the principles are still the same.

Sometimes we just need to have a word with ourselves and understand what’s going on outside of the bubble we create for ourselves and admit that none of us are perfect. Truth, after all is not a weapon you use to bring down the people around you, the truth is a tool to better interpret the world on our journey of self discovery, anything less is less than we are worth.

Sometimes we just need to step down from our pedal stool and show people we are no better than them but able and willing to show them how different we can be and delight in what we learn from each other.

Note from Admin: Its a shame that Agent S feels she has reached the end of the road in taking part in the show. We wish her well and hope she may come back on for some future hellos. We have got some familiar faces to step in to Agent S position for the next few weeks and we will see if anyone wants to offer up their services in a more permanant way. Offers anyone?

A snippet of what is in the above link on colins site

“Award winning film-maker Terje Toftenes who made the documentary “Crop Circles: Crossovers From Another Dimension” appeared unexpectedly via Skype on Circlemakers TV during the show this week (May 18th, 2011).

Terje told the show host Matthew Williams that he became interested and involved in crop circles in 2002 and had been convinced they were not made by people. His film received awards but now he felt foolish and embarrassed he said but went on the congratulate the people making them because they had made such a good job of them.  He told Matthew that he thought it was time for the truth about all this to be told and went on to say that he was equally convinced now that there were also strange things happening around the circles.”


UPDATE 26-5-2011 We are migrating the oldest of shows to Youtube as the only place to view them as we may get charged for holding so many shows on Livestream. I am unsure yet.

Our shows are slowly and surely being uploaded uncut to youtube so you can watch them easily WITHOUT ADVERTS which are placed there by Livestream and are basically really flipping annoying.

Livestream dont seem to care about pissing off its live broadcast users by jamming in udring a live broadcast and spiling the conetnt by taking a minute out every 15 mins with crappy ads, so that you miss the flow of speech… so I am saying if you want to be ad free and cant watch live youtube is your best repeat show alternative now.

Do a search for truthseekers666 channel or go here and search for the shows. Most of them are there. A few problem ones are only viewable on livestream still because we couldnt upload onto youtube.


DVDs of shows

Posted: March 30, 2011 by admin in Uncategorized

DVDs of the shows are available upon request – so if you havent worked out hiow to record off the channel you can order one. The quality is slightly higher than the on air versions due to the livestream bandwith being 500k and DVDs we have are about 2000k rate. Still not quite broadcast quality DVDs but much better.

Update 5-2011 – as shows are now on YOUTUBE you can use to download them to your hard drive and convert these to DVDs yourself. Please do not sell copies of these videos unless you have cleared this with us first.

New show start time 8PM

Posted: March 16, 2011 by admin in Uncategorized

Due to requests to start the show earlier we are now on at 8pm on Weds. This should mean we can finish earlier which works better with those who have things called jobs.

Show 4 a taste of the ‘reserve

Posted: February 21, 2011 by admin in Uncategorized

Show 5 was a very interesting look into what you get when you have a circlemaker that knows a lot more than he can say… A lot of reservation and holdback was easily detectable by myself (the host) but I am not sure how much the audience detected.  This is why I think this made a very interesting show because our guest Dr Rev Professor P.I. Staker was clearly jovial and having fun with his concept of what being a circlemaker is and what a circlemaker does. Now of course we know that the believer crowd will cry foul at this sort of attitude in that “lets have fun” in such a serious subject is not allowed but I say this – “WHO MAKES THE RULES” and why cant having fun and taking enjoyment in a funny way be acceptable. Or laughing because of what one cannot say and how brilliant it would be if you could say. These things are often misread by the uninitiated viewer/non circlemaker.  To help you understand, I have laughed with delight at seeing people going spiritually bananas in the circles we have created. This is not laughing at people it is laughing at the craziness of the fact that magic can be summoned or created through circles and people have positive effects.  Isn’t seeing people have a nice time something worth being happy if not hysterical about? Also is god a trickster, or is there a tricksters under god?  Is that a bad thing and what does it mean? Is all of this bullshit. Does god only reveal himself if we have a good sense of humour. Now this is something I am sure about because unless you are enable to control your emotions I think things are only shown to you if you have a pure heart and do it with the right intent. Otherwise the things from the paranormal realm that are shown to you are scary. Is there any wonder that this is how it works!? Seems this guest had pleanty of stuff to talk about on these lines. Thank you Dr Sn Hon Magnum P I Staker.

Anyhow I digress…. what me. Never! So look forward to seeing you on Show5 where our guest will be a famous Author!